Photo Gallery - Travels
On the road with the 1522
1522's first excursion to Decatur, Illinois. Photo by Robert Piper. Aircraft and piloting by the webmaster!
1522 crosses the Missouri River bridge just east of St. Charles on her return from an excursion to Moberly, MO, in 1989.
Photo by Gary Hoover.
1522 draws a crowd on her way from Moline, IL, to Galesburg, IL, in October of 1990.
1522 returns to her old home - the heart of the Frisco Railway, Springfield, Missouri. The engine was the guest of the Burlington Northern employees at Springfield for their annual picnic.
The night before! 1522 rests in BN's North St. Louis Yard prior to a busy day northbound to Galesburg, Il.
Another view at night in North Yard.
1522 smokes it up for a photo runby South of Springfield, MO, on the second day of her trip to the Atlanta NRHS Convention, June 1994.
1522 leads a special train of the Norfolk 611, NS' Southern diesel and NS Operation Lifesaver diesel on the way from Atlanta to Chattanooga after the 1994 NRHS Convention.
1522 leaves Newburg, MO, after a quick service stop. Once the home of a large Frisco Railway shop complex, Newburg still welcomes the 1522 for servicing whenever she is enroute between Springfield, MO, and St. Louis.
The souvenir crew at work at Galesburg. Money raised from sales of 1522 merchandise is vital to keeping the 1522 on the road.
1522 joins CB&Q Hudson 3006 at Galesburg, Illinois, during Railroad Days, June 1999.
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